pp108 : Creating a Service Group

Creating a Service Group

This topic describes the procedure to create a Service Group.

Before you begin this task:
You must have the role of systemAdmin or organizationalAdmin to create a Service Group in an organization.

To be able to process a SOAP request over backends for your business operations, you must setup connectivity to those applications, databases and so on. You setup those connections by means of a Service Group configuration. A Service Group is a logical grouping of Service Containers. Creating a Service Group will help you send, reply, relay, and process a SOAP request.

  1. On CUSP > My Applications, click (System Resource Manager). The System Resource Manager window appears.
  2. Click Show  All Service groups in toolbar. Service Groups App Palette is displayed.
  3. Click  in the Service Groups App Palette. The New Service Group wizard appears.
  4. Select one or more application connectors and click Next. Press CTRL and click the connectors to select multiple application connectors.
    Note: By selecting one or more application connectors, the Service Container processes all the requests of those connectors. Refer to Application Connectors for more information on the application connectors. The Provide Service Group Details page appears.
  5. Specify the required details and click Next. Refer to Service Group Configuration Interface for information on the Provide Service Group Details page. The Provide Service Container Details page appears.
  6. Specify the required details and click Next. Refer to Service Container Configuration Interface for information on the Provide Service Container Details page. The Provide details for <Application Connector> page appears.
  7. Specify the required details for the application connectors and click Next. Refer to Configuration Parameters for Application Connectors. The Provide Connection Point Details page appears.
  8. Specify the required details and click Finish. Refer to Connection Point Configuration Interface for information on configuring the connection point.
    Note: To delete a Service Group, select it in the Service Groups App Palette and click .

A Service Group is created.

Related concepts

Simple Object Access Protocol

Related tasks

Modifying Service Group Configuration
Modifying a Monitor Service Group

Related reference

OS Process Configuration Interface
Service Container Properties Interface
Logging Configuration Interface
Connection Point Configuration Interface